A collection of small books written by Sunni scholars for answering Shi'a claims.
This book explains how the Hurûfîs, who infiltrated the Shi’î communities, attacked the Sunnîs, how the Iranian King Nâdir Shâh organized a debate between the Sunnî and the Shi’î scholars, which ended in the bilateral recognition that the Shi’î (Shiah) way had been mixed with Hurûfî elements and that on the other hand the Sunnîs were in the right way, and how it was decided, and the decision was sanctioned by Nâdir Shâh that Iran would be Sunnî as before.
It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible - the true book revealed to Isa 'alaihis-salam - was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the unity of Allahu ta’ala) in Islam. Besides, a few very precious letters - a food of a soul by Muhammad Ma’sûm-î Fârûkî - take place. Information about Judaism, Torah and Talmud is also given.