Answer to an Enemy of Islam

Disbelievers, that is, non-Muslims, imitate their parents and teachers and do not follow the rules, i.e., the commands and prohibitions of Islam because of the wrong beliefs they hold. But Muslims hold fast to these rules. Likewise, the lâ-madhhabî, because of the wrong beliefs they have acquired by following their parents and teachers, do not adapt themselves to one of the four madhhabs, which are the explanations of these rules. But the true Muslims, who are called Ahl as-Sunna, owing to their correct îmân which they have acquired from the knowledge coming from the Sahâbat al-kirâm (radiy-Allâhu ’anhum) and the îmâms of madhhabs, adhere to one of the four madhhabs. Muslims of Ahl as-Sunna have attained the imitation (taqlîd) which is right. We thought of exposing to our pure, young brothers the lies and slanders in the book Muhâwarât, which was prepared very insidiously to distract Muslims from the imitation which is right and to drift them into the imitation which is wrong, by answering each of them from the books of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunna, thus performing a humble service to protect Muslims from being led to endless perdition. Thus the book Answer to an Enemy of Islam came about. We regard our sincere intention in preparing this book and this insignificant service to Muslim brothers as a means for the forgiveness of our sins and as our only stock for our debt of gratitude for the infinite blessings of Allâhu ta’âlâ.

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Yakubu Abdulai
United States
Muhammad salim
Saudi Arabia
Kithab sunni
This is my Shaikh's book May God bless your efforts.
The critical quran by robert spencer
Pls send the pdf copy
Hajjah Safina
Netherlands The
Shukran Jazeelan
Ahle Sunnat Zinda bad ( Long life the Ahle Sunnat)
Oh syukran but your book is great to read syukran for info
Isaac Hussein
Book of Fiqih
Assalam alaekum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, Could you help me about the Fiqih Jazakallahu khairan
Hudu Mohammed Kami
Meezan Mawazeen
Please I'm new here
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Thank you so much for sending me these books Belief and islam The sunni path Sahaba the blessed I was looking for these books. Jazakallahu khair may Allah bless you.. You are doing such a great work may Allah accept it you. When i ordered i was not sure that i'll receive these books and that too free of cost but today i receive these books and i'm totally amazed and i'm on cloud nine excited to read these. Sending you prayers and luch