Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat and Sayyid Abdulhakim Arwasi's books. Subjects include kinds of hadiths, justice, qada, qadar, madhhabs, bid'ats, fiqh, shafa'at, corrupt religions, Islam&Science and various aspects of sufism.
The Turkish original of the book Se’âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages.
We have translated most of the book into English and have published sixindividual fascicles.
Se’âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a bit of knowledge or a word which does not confirm the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat and wa’l Jamâ’at in this book.
This is the second fascicle. We pray for the help of Allâhu ta’âlâ so that we may have it reach our dear readers.
It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible - the true book revealed to Isa 'alaihis-salam - was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the unity of Allahu ta’ala) in Islam. Besides, a few very precious letters - a food of a soul by Muhammad Ma’sûm-î Fârûkî - take place. Information about Judaism, Torah and Talmud is also given.